George's Cooking

 During our Mustang Google Meet on Friday we set a weekend challenge for the children to cook their own meal. Look at what George has created!

George has made three colour dango dumplings. He used beetroot and spinach for the colouring. 

Ka pai, George! These look delicious!


  1. Your dango dumplings look delicious George! I love how you used beetroot and spinach to colour them. Thanks for sharing your weekend meal challenge!

  2. They look fantastic George! I hope they were yummy! How did you get the perfect circular shape? Great work! :)

  3. Hi Geroge. Your dumpings look very colourful. You are cleverWhat was inside them?

  4. Wow George, those dumplings look incredible! So clever using beetroot and spinach to colour them. I bet they tasted very yummy! Great work. See you back at school :)


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