This week for one of our writing sessions Mā and Parauri watched a video called 'Catch It' about some meerkats who were trying to get a tasty piece of fruit. A vulture comes along and takes the fruit, and the meerkats work together to try and get it back. Once they finally get the fruit, one of the meerkats kicks it and it goes splat! It was a very entertaining video. We drew some cool pictures and came up with ideas for different stories about our favourite parts.
If you want to watch the video yourself and draw a picture or do a piece of writing follow this link: Catch It

Isaac: The bird smacked into the wall!
Evelyn: The bird splated into the hill!
Bella: The meerkats are flying through the air!
Matthew: Here is some fruit.
Aanya: The meerkats have some fruit.
Skye: The meerkats towered up to try and get the fruit.
George: I liked it when the meerkats jumped on the bird.
Kingston: The fruit went splat!
Aiden: The fruit went splat!
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