More numbers!

After Miss Muriel's great idea of making numbers with things like petals and leaves, I decided to have a go at making some numbers at my house. I don't have a garden so I used different things I found in the kitchen, in the laundry, in the dining room and in my bedroom. Can you list the things I used? 

As a bonus challenge see if you can spot all of the different foods and animals on Mr Wales' socks!

Then you might like to see if you can make some numbers with things from your house. Maybe you can make the numbers all the way up to 10, or even 20! We would love to see some pictures of your creations on the blog. 


  1. Oh Mrs Wales - you have Easter Eggs left!!!!!? Love this idea. I wonder if some children could continue the numbers to 10?

    1. Hi Mrs W! I didn't have any left, but when I went to the supermarket yesterday I spied some and thought 'I need those!'. The caramel cutie eggs are my most favourite! I don't think Mr Wales agreed that we needed anymore... That would be a good idea, I know lots of the children in Toroa are very clever at reading and writing numbers to 10.

  2. Great ways of using everyday items from home Mrs Wales. My favourite is definitely the pegs, they remind me of many things like sharks teeth! hints of mandala designs and fun interlocking games that we have on our classroom. I wonder if your cool use of everyday items remind our Toroa children of other things too?


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