Mitchell's Home Learning

Mitchell has been having lots of fun learning at home and doing activities with his family at home. Mitchell looks like he is enjoying helping in the garden too!


  1. Hi Mitchell , it’s lovely to see your smiling face. What a good boy you’ve been helping Mummy and Daddy in the garden. Sweeping the leaves looks fun. Can you go very fast on your scooter? From Victoria

  2. Hi Mitchell, you look like you have been having so much fun! You are doing a great job of helping in the garden too. What is your favourite toy to play with or game to play at home? Mrs Josland

  3. Hi Mitchell, it is so nice to see your smiley face in these pictures! You are a great helper at your house. I'm glad to see you have been outside enjoying the sunshine on your scooter. Who from your family do you go with for walks and scooter rides? I hope you are having a great Wednesday today. From Mrs Wales.

  4. Hello Mitchell, it’s so nice to see you having fun in the Autumn sunshine. Did it take you a long time to sweep up the leaves? I was sweeping leaves off my driveway yesterday also. Although, your broom looks much better than mine! Great work Mitchell 🍁🍂☀️😃

  5. Hi Mitchell, it looks like you are being very helpful at home sweeping the leaves in your garden and it sounds like you are doing some exciting activities too. You look like you had a nice time on your scooter. I love getting outside too! From Mrs Horner.

  6. Great job helping in the garden Mitchell. I miss that big smile of yours. Hope you and your family are safe and sound in your bubble. From Miss Muriel :)

  7. Hi Mitchell, it is so lovely to see you and your beautiful smile! I really miss you!
    It is great to see you out on your scooter. Have you been counting the buses and trucks as they go past, like we do when we are at school? How many have you seen? From Robbie.


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